Asbestos Abatement

History of Asbestos Part 1: What is in a Name?

Asbestos has gone by many names throughout its long and sordid jaunt through history. The word asbestos itself is adopted via the Old French “abestos”, which in turn got the word from Latin via Greek. It stems from the ancient Greek word “ἄσβεστος” meaning “unquenchable” or “inextinguishable” – however, this word only means that [...]

By |2024-09-06T02:46:59-07:00October 9th, 2020|Asbestos Abatement|0 Comments

Is Asbestos Banned?

Before what building date do I have to worry about asbestos in my home?  That is a question that many owners have.  To answer that question completely there are many different parts that need to be understood.  One of the parts we’ll discuss today is the timeline for certain acts that banned some asbestos [...]

By |2024-09-06T02:50:12-07:00September 11th, 2017|Asbestos Abatement|0 Comments

5 Things to do when you suspect vermiculite in your insulation (Zonolite)

For many years people have lived and worked with a danger lurking all around. This danger is known as insulation. Yes, insulation. Years ago when vermiculite was mined in Libby, MT most of it was contaminated with asbestos. Zonolite is the trade name for this asbestos tainted insulation, but it may have been sold under [...]

By |2024-09-06T00:30:58-07:00February 27th, 2017|Asbestos Abatement|0 Comments
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